A journey through life’s adversities we discover thankful blessings – and through self love, accepting, believing and finding the courage that what you need is all in you

About The Book

Shit happens—a lot of shit. As we navigate this world trying to do the best we can, we meet people, get hurt, fall in love, and learn. But it wasn’t until I learned to love myself that I began to heal and live the life I always envisioned.
You and You Alone is my story—I’ve been a foolish girl, I’ve also been wise on my path toward being my best self. The common
denominator? I always loved others at my own expense. I don’t regret my relationships, but it’s not easy to reflect on this journey because it took many years for me to gain control of my
life. But eventually, I healed.
I hope that my stories entertain you, inspire you, and maybe even encourage you to have the strength you need to heal. You and you alone have the power to take control of your life.
Will you?
Available on Amazon, Draft2digital, Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and any eBook platforms worldwide.
What’s inside
Set Me Free
In that moment, where the silence deafened me, I knew I needed to leave him to save myself. An all-consuming grief smothered me, and I needed to escape this hell. I clutched my phone and crawled out of bed, shuffling to the door to press my ear against it. Nothing.
After turning the door knob just enough to see the hallway that led to his room, I noticed his door was closed, and it was never closed unless he wanted to make a point. Thanks, jerk, for that proverbial slap to the face.
I wanted to stomp over to that fucking door and kick it in. I let the vision send rage through my body, but then reality sank in… I was far too small to kick that door in. And what would I do once inside? Yell a little? Look like a fool and eventually submit—like usual?
I closed the door to my room, too, as if that would give me the courage to actually leave this time. I quickly laid back in bed and snuggled under the sheets. Pulling my phone out, I logged onto Facebook to see what was new. My friends looked so happy in their pictures, and I wondered if they were like me. Fake.
It wasn’t always fake, though. But over time, it had become this type of upkeep of image.
I posted so many pictures of my “happy” relationship, while inside I did nothing but hurt. I doubted myself constantly. Why had he been so mean to me the night before? Where was he? Why didn’t he say “hi” when he came home from work? Am I that lousy of a person? God, where will I live if I leave?
I had nowhere else to go. And that scared me.
Not knowing what to do in that moment, I did what I knew best. I cried and whispered, “Everything will be okay.” I was going to deal with it in the morning.
Except this time was different, because I didn’t want my dream to become a reality. I was finally going to set myself free.

About the author.
My journey between relationships have helped shape me. I continue to grow through discovering who I am and helping others is my passion. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life and love me, my beautiful family, and my career.
Cleofe Sandoval
My name is Cleofe Sandoval, and I live in Parker, Colorado. Though I am 100% made in the Philippines, I consider Willingboro, New Jersey, my hometown and myself a Jersey girl at heart. My parents named me Cleofe, which means “she who shows signs of glory.” I came to the US with my family when I was 4.5 years old and spoke little English; luckily young minds pick things up quickly. I attended Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science and moved to Southern California after college, where I got married and had my daughter. I worked in the Insurance Industry for 10 years in Los Angeles, California before taking a job transfer and moving to Denver, Colorado where I worked another 14 years. Currently, I am a Regional Operations Manager for a Distributor.
For a long time, I allowed my strength, independence and positive nature to hide that I lived in a nightmare. My friends said they’d never have guessed my husband of 12 years was abusive, both emotionally and physically. In 2001 I gathered my courage and divorced him, taking my children to raise independently. For years I worked multiple jobs so my daughter could attend college and my son could play sports. I never regretted a moment of hard work; my family are my blessings. Since then, they’ve added a wonderful son-in-law and two grandbabies, who call me Glamma, to my life.
Five years ago, losing my mother became the inciting incident in my grief and healing process. I began journaling and discovered a sense of peace with writing. It wasn’t long before I started crafting my book, You and You Alone. Writing is a beautiful commitment, and 1:30 AM is my customary writing time during the week. I love to fill my weekends with writing unless I have plans with my children. The busy work week doesn’t deter me from my passion for sharing my book with others. I wholeheartedly believe people come into our lives at certain times to teach us things. Not all stay for a lifetime, and it is essential to take the offered lessons, whether good or bad. My book was born of a wish to share what I’ve learned about relationships, especially with men. Through my healing journey, the most critical lesson became clear; I had to love myself. When I looked inside and loved what I found, I realized I’d sought approval and validation from men for most of my life. You and You Alone is my story. I hope it will inspire others to write their own for self-healing is attainable for everyone.
When I’m not writing or working, I enjoy travelling, reading, cooking, and shopping. I shoot pool, play softball, golf, and love earning my nickname Glamma by getting massages, mani/pedis and sun tanning. I enjoy Chinese and Filipino cuisines but refuse to eat sushi. I’m happily single. You can find out more about You and You Alone at
“Conquering my biggest fear.. heights! Yessss I did!”
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